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This ministry helps plan the funeral liturgy with those who have lost a loved one. Trained ministers provide comfort and guidance in the selection of readings, songs and petitions used at the Funeral Mass. Contact your parish office for more information on training.

Breakfast with Jesus

Deacon Marc leads this group as they strive to witness the work of Jesus Christ present in their own lives. The group meets at 7:00 am on the last Monday of each month in the Welcome Center at Our Lady of the Visitation.

Cancer Support

With the purpose of reaching out to those suffering from the difficulties related to cancer, this group consists of those who have cancer, those who are caregivers, and medical professionals. They meet monthly on a Sunday night and gather occasionally for a social. Contact Diane Williams for meeting details; 513-941-4656 or 

Christ Renews His Parish

These are faith-filled weekends where you develop a closer relationship with Jesus, spend time in prayer and in the scriptures, and get to know more of your fellow parishioners. Take a break from your busy schedule and obligations to refresh yourself spiritually and renew your heart.

Communion to the Homebound

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to those members of our community who are unable to attend Mass due to ill health, infirmity or advancing age. Please contact the parish office where you are registered.


This program for boys helps instill virtue, develop character and encourage spiritual growth all in an atmosphere of fun and adventure. Conquest helps reach their leadership potential and equip them to face and overcome the challenges of the world while making a positive difference. Junior Program is for Boys Grades K-4; Young Leaders is for Grades 5-8.

More information: Mike Schwarz at 513.225.2668       

Covenant Partner

Our Lady of the Visitation and Saint Leo the Great Parish in Fairmount are “Covenant” partners. This is a relationship similar to “twinning” in which time, talent, and treasure are mutually shared. Watch the bulletin for opportunities to help.

Elizabeth Ministry

This chapter of the national Elizabeth Ministry is for women and their families who may need the support of someone who has experienced a similar situation such as the loss of a baby through miscarriage. This ministry is also able to help with temporary assistance for meals, guidance for newborn care and mom’s self-care after delivery, as well as assistance for an expectant mother requiring bed rest. Contact: Linda Mayhaus, 513-941-8130, Carolyn Menner, 513-574-3109, or Ken Meymann, 513-347-2219

Healing and Wellness

Volunteers and professionals work together to integrate faith and health. The key element that distinguishes it from other types of health care is the fundamental belief in the relationship between physical and spiritual health, the human person is a composite being – we have a body and a soul! More information: Deacon Marc Alexander, MD

Jail Ministry

Jail Ministry is a branch of the city-wide ecumenical organization, Transforming Jail Ministries. Those involved visit inmates at local jail facilities on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. They visit in teams to pray, sing, and talk with the inmates for one hour. Contact Ken Meymann, 513-347-2219 or

Knights of Columbus

The Knights are an organization of Catholic men founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael J. McGivney on the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. They practice and proclaim the Catholic faith through various activities, assisting the parish community, and sharing material wealth with those in need. The Knights meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the Hospitality Room at St Joseph. Contact Dan Warnock of the St. Joseph of the Three Rivers Council at 513-477-2217 

Knitting Ministry

Parishioners meet weekly on Wednesdays from 1:00- 3:00 pm in St. Joseph Hospitality Room, to knit and crochet newborn hats, shawls for cancer patients and blankets for the newly baptized.

Ladies Society

This is the official society for women of St. Joseph Parish. The group fundraises to pay for bread and wine for all Masses, altar linens, and altar candles. They also keep the Hospitality Room supplied with coffee and other needed items.

Men’s Group

Parishioner Jim Schmidt leads the group that meets on Saturdays at 6:30am at St. Jude. The men meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month in Meeting Room 3 of the Parish Center. 

Music Ministry

Our parish choirs are open to anyone in high school or older, who enjoys singing and would like to learn to sing in four-part harmony. We sing at weekend Masses and Holy Days throughout the year.

Music Ministry Information

St. Joseph: Mia Williams 
St. Jude: Greg Williams 513-1230 x 118 
Visitation: Matt Spencer 513-347-2191 

Network of Care

This ministry connects those in need with those willing to provide for that need. Needs might include transportation, special services (legal or financial referrals), or occasional meal prep. Contact Ken Meymann, 513-347-2219 or  

Outreach Ministries

This group sponsors parish programs that attempt to broaden awareness of social justice issues, especially in regard to the Church’s teachings. Our Daily Bread, Operation Shoe Box, Christmas Giving Tree, and the St Leo Toy Drive are a few of the programs supported.

Pro-Life Ministry

Built on the belief that human life is a gift from God that should be protected from conception to natural death. Activities are coordinated at the Parish and with the local Cincinnati Right to Life organization.

Rosary/Scripture Group

Feed your soul on Wednesdays at 8:45am at St Joseph in the Hospitality Room. This group is led by Beth Scholl. 


Cub Scouts Cub Scouting is part of the program of the Boy Scouts of America for youth who are in kindergarten through fifth grade (or are 5 through 10 years old). Contact Kevin Welch for more information.

The Girl Scouts of America is open to all girls of the parish from grades kindergarten through twelve. For more information contact Rebecca Turner at

Our Lady of the Visitation
The American Heritage Girls, AHG, is a Christ centered, character development program for girls ages 5-18 years. To learn more, contact a board member: Mollie Harloff, 513-404-6436; Jen Brady, 513-559-1234; Becky Schwarz, 513-615-9289; or Shannon Hafner, 513-256-7352.

Boy Scouting is a year-round program for ages 11 (who have completed 5th grade) – 17. For more information regarding Boy Scouts, call Anthony Edwards, 513-910-6414 or Joe Buchert, 513-382-2238, kimandjoeb@gmail.comThe Girl Scouts of America is open to all girls of the parish from grades kindergarten through twelve. For more information call the Parish Office, 513-922-2056

Seven Sorrows Rosary

Join fellow parishioners to pray the Rosary at 9:00 am every Tuesday at St. Jude.

St Vincent DePaul Conference

SVDP is set apart from other ministries in that it is home based. They make visits to the homes of the people in need. During a home visit they offer spiritual support, help with emergency rent and utilities (as funds permit) and provide resources for longer term success.
St Joseph: Mary Ann Weber 513-476-9972 
St. Jude: James Meade 513-417-4482
      7:00 p.m. every 1st & 3rd Monday in mtg. rm. 2 (Sept-May)
      7:00 p.m. every 3rd Monday in mtg. rm. 2 (June-August)
Visitation: Peggy James 513-255-4972 

Stephen Ministry

Provides one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people experiencing life difficulties. Stephen ministers help individuals improve their ability to relate to and care for others, grow in faith, and journey through life crises including grief. Confidential hotline: 513-347-4411

TRAM Food Pantry

St Joseph Parish participates in the Three Rivers Area Ministries (TRAM), a group of seven area ministers that have banded together to provide services to help needy families in the area. TRAM operates a food pantry and holds food drives throughout the year to fill the pantry’s shelves.

Verge Christum Young Adult Group 

Join other Catholics ages 18-35 years old for food, fellowship and fun every Thursday 6:30 pm.

Contact Stephanie for meeting details at

Walking with Purpose

This women’s Bible study meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month; 9:30-10:30 am in the Welcome Center at Our Lady of the Visitation.

Whiz Kids

This partnership with City Gospel Mission provides tutoring and mentoring programs for at-risk school children.
Meets on Thursday afternoons at 3:45pm during the school year. Contact St Joseph parish office.

Women’s Prayer Group

The group meets Fridays at 10:30 am in the St. Jude undercroft.

Worship Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers) assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.
Lectors are responsible for reading the announcements before Mass, proclaiming the Word of God during the Liturgy, and leading the universal prayers (petitions) at Mass.
Altar Servers Youth of our parishes are invited to assist at Mass beginning in the 4th grade.
If you are interested in joining one of these ministries, please contact the parish office where you are registered.

St. Jude’s lectors, coordinators, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion also use SignUpGenius

Youth Athletics

St. Jude Catholic Youth Athletics, through the St. Jude Athletic Association, is established to further the mission of the Catholic Church and the St. Jude Parish by providing sports experiences for youth that are firmly rooted in the Catholic faith, based on the goals of Catholic youth ministry, and aligned with the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church.  
Visitation Athletic Club is the organization that supports and directs the athletic programs for the parish children. Their goal is to offer the best and most rounded sports programs available. Visit: